
Pioneering Sustainable Cannabis Packaging: Michael Salemi’s Vision

Pioneering Sustainable Cannabis Packaging: Michael Salemi’s Vision
A Vision Sparked at a Trade Show

Our C.O.O, Michael Salemi, embarked on his journey toward sustainable cannabis packaging at a trade show in Los Angeles—one of the first cannabis trade shows he attended. There, Michael encountered a vendor selling antique cigarette tins for $35 each. This sparked an idea in him: what if packaging could be so compelling that people wouldn’t want to discard it? He envisioned a package that would serve as a branding vehicle, remaining in someone’s possession long after its initial use, lasting for years, much like the cigarette tins from decades ago.

Michael’s Determination: Research and Development

When Michael returned from the trade show, he realized that the tin needed to be child-resistant. He believed he could achieve this by incorporating a button that would need to be pressed to open the tin. To determine the necessary pressure for making it child-resistant, he dove headfirst into extensive research. For a month, he studied scientific journals to understand the amount of force a small child could exert. His research revealed that a 52-month-old-boy could exert a maximum of five kilograms of force—a crucial detail in designing a child-resistant package. However, finding a factory capable of producing the unique button he envisioned was no small feat. Despite these challenges, Michael remained determined, always pushing forward.

Sustainable Cannabis Packaging: Michael Salemi, C.O.O. of The Packaging Company, with his Beauceron dog, Scout
Michael Salemi, C.O.O of The Packaging Company, with Scout, the Chief Barketing Officer

We began with a simplified version of our concept—a child-resistant tin with plastic buttons (V1). However, Michael’s goal was clear: eliminate plastic and create an all-tin box to provide brands with a fully sustainable alternative to the plastic-heavy cannabis packaging options of today.

A Breakthrough with Precision Manufacturing

The breakthrough moment came when Michael shifted his focus to companies that manufacturer computer components. He knew precision was key, and after a thorough search, he found a factory that could deliver the exact button design he needed. This partnership led to the creation of an entire line of sustainable cannabis packaging, complete with our now-signature button.


A variety of innovative sustainable cannabis packaging, featuring our signature child-resistant buttons.

Our Commitment to Sustainability: The Snap Tin Evolution

His commitment to sustainability didn’t stop here. He wanted to push the industry further toward biodegradable, green products. This vision led to the development of our Snap Tin, a small buttonless tin designed for pre-rolls, edibles, and other cannabis consumer products. After two years of refinement, we’re now on the verge of launching our latest innovation: The Snap Jar. This design not only reduces production costs by 20%-30% but also maintains superior functionality. We’ve been upgraded to a new style of gasket that ensures our products are not only airtight but also waterproof—a crucial feature that has become standard across all our tins and jars.


A collection of child-resistant snap tins featuring vibrant and creative designs, showcasing sustainable cannabis packaging solutions.
The Power of Packaging in Consumer Perception

Michael has always understood the crucial role packaging plays in consumers’ perception of value, especially in the cosmetic and skincare industries. Often, it’s not the product inside but the packaging itself that drives purchases. A well-designed package can elevate a brand by being present in the consumer’s home 365 days a year. It has become front and center in consumers’ minds as they display it on coffee tables, in bedrooms, or while traveling.

Moving Beyond Disposable Packaging

Under Michael’s leadership, our dedication to quality and sustainability has truly set our products apart. We’ve moved beyond traditional, disposable options like pop-tops—often seen littering city streets—and introduced child-resistant aluminum tubes. While these tubes are similar to those used for cigars, they are a first in the cannabis industry.

A Sustainable Alternative for the Future

In a world where packaging often ends up as waste, Michael believes that our products offer a sustainable alternative that benefits both consumers and the environment. Our innovations not only serve a practical purpose but also contribute to the broader movement towards more environmentally responsible packaging solutions.

This is the story of Michael Salemi’s favorite chapter yet in his journey towards redefining sustainable packaging, and it’s one that we at The Packaging Company are proud to be part of.

Watch the full interview here:

If you’re looking to elevate your brand with innovative, sustainable cannabis packaging solutions, we’d love to help. Get in touch with us today to start your own chapter in this exciting journey.