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Sustainable Packaging: 100% Sugarcane Squeeze Tubes

A Blog Banner that says "Sugarcane Squeeze Tubes: The Premium Alternative to Plastic" with a sugarcane squeeze tube displayed to the left by the packaging company

In the ever-evolving skincare and cosmetics industry, brands are constantly seeking innovative ways to stand out while meeting consumer demand for sustainability. Once recent advancement in this area is the adoption of sugarcane squeeze tubes. This sustainable packaging solution not only addresses beauty’s plastic crisis, but offers a practical and premium option for product delivery. In this article, we’ll explore the benefits and impact of sugarcane for skincare and cosmetic brands.

Understanding Sugarcane Material

Sugarcane is grown in fields, then cultivated and harvested. Unlike traditional plastics which are derived from fossil fuels, sugarcane is a renewable resource. The process begins by extracting the juice from the sugarcane plant, which is then fermented and distilled to produce ethanol. This ethanol is subsequently converted into bio-polyethylene, a bioplastic used in sustainable packaging. Sugarcane absorbs CO2 as it grows, making the production of sugarcane-based bioplastic a carbon-negative process.


An infographic describing the process of sugarcane from harvest to production of new beauty packaging.
[Bagasse is a pulp-like byproduct of Sugarcane.]

The Advantages of Sugarcane Squeeze Tubes

  • Sustainable: One of the primary advantages of sugarcane is its sustainability. As mentioned earlier, sugarcane is a renewable resource—meaning it can be replanted and harvested repeatedly without depleting natural resources. This stands in stark contrast to conventional plastics, which rely on fossil fuels.
  • Biodegradable: Sugarcane is biodegradable, and when under the right conditions can naturally break down over time and return to the environment without leaving harmful residues. This is a significant benefit, as beauty brands are being held to stricter standards with the passing of anti-plastic pollution policy’s.
  • Versatile and Durable: Sugarcane squeeze tubes offer excellent functionality. Flexible, durable, and can easily be molded into various shapes and sizes. This versatility makes them ideal for a wide range of skincare and cosmetic products: from lip gloss to bronzer and sunscreens to serums.
  • Premium Appeal: The aesthetic of sugarcane squeeze tubes are sleek and modern, enhancing the presentation of the product. The Packaging Company offers premier capabilities through  innovative print techniques and finishes, to product design and development. Get inspired by exploring our customization showcase here.
Aveda's Innovative Recyclable Packaging
[Credit: Aveda Brand]

Leading Beauty Brands Are Adopting Sugarcane Packaging: Aveda, REN, Clean Skincare

Many leading brands are incorporating sugarcane packaging into their product lines. This shift is driven by both consumer demand and regulatory pressure to reduce plastic waste. Brands such as Aveda, REN, Clean Skincare, and BioPak are leading the charge, utilizing sugarcane-based materials for their packaging needs. Doing so reduces big corporate’s environmental impact in addition to aligning themselves with the values of eco-conscious consumers.

By incorporating sugarcane materials into your product line, such as sugarcane squeeze tubes, brands can strengthen their environmental credentials. This strategy aligns with the growing consumer demand for eco-friendly products and helps differentiate them in a competitive market. Sustainability has become a key factor in purchasing decisions, and brands that prioritize this, are more likely to attract and retain loyal customers.


Sugarcane beauty represents a major advancement in sustainable practices. With its renewable origins, biodegradability, and versatility, sugarcane material offers a compelling alternative to traditional plastics. As the beauty industry evolves to meet stringent policies and growing consumer demand for eco-friendly products, innovative solutions like sugarcane packaging become increasingly vital. The Packaging Company leads the charge for sustainable skincare and cosmetic packaging. Connect with our team of designers and packaging specialist, and let us guide you as you make the switch. Together, we can significantly reduce the impact of plastic waste on our planet.

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